Agent FAQs

Here is a collection of answers to the most frequently asked questions from agents about registering with and using AgentIQ.

For vendors, AgentIQ provides tools, tips, advice and resources to help property owners get a better result when selling property.

For agents, AgentIQ is a source of new clients - we provide introductions to local vendors who are preparing to sell.


You can register through our website here. Select a membership level then complete the registration form.
We analyse sales results to identify the top performing agents. Any licensed agent can register with us but we will only present the top performers to vendors. We determine performance based on a combination of sale price, asking price, time on market, sales volume, sold listings vs unsold listings and customer testimonials.
A set of positive reviews on your profile demonstrates that you have a track record of getting great results for your customers.

AgentIQ asks all vendors to submit a review of your services, irrespective if the property sells or not.

You can also upload testimonials that you have gathered previously. In order to mark such reviews as genuine, we will need the name and email address of the person that submitted the review, along with the address of the related property. During the verification process we check sales records and may email your client to confirm they are the author.

You can also send your previous clients directly to  where they can submit a review / testimonial.  You can contact as many past clients as you wish and request that they post a review.  When submitting the review, we will ask for some property and personal details. These details are only used to help us verify the review as genuine. Reviews are anonymous and we will never publicly display or share the personal details of reviewers.

You can manage your reviews here:
Once a new lead passes our qualification checks you will receive an email containing a summary of the vendor's plans and contact details.  Your leads are also available on the leads dashboard along with the full set of information the vendor has chosen to share.

You can respond to the vendor directly by phone or via AgentIQ. Most vendors prefer a direct phone call but some may specify that they prefer to communicate via AgentIQ.

Each vendor will be at a different stage of preparing to sell - so check the details carefully to understand what they are looking for (typically either a property appraisal, a full proposal or advice on preparing to sell).
After registering with AgentIQ you will have access to our online platform where you can personalize your profile, upload testimonials / reviews, update your sales history and communicate with vendors.  It's worthwhile taking the time to update your profile, this will help you to stand out from competing agents in your area. Once your profile is created you will be eligible to receive leads. We will notify you about new leads via an email notification and also add the details to your leads dashboard.
Along with reviews, AgentIQ recommends agents based on recent sales and listings in each vendor’s local area. So it’s important to keep your sales records up to date, as it will ensure you rank highly in the areas where you have recent sales experience.

You can maintain your sales and listing records here:
If you tell us about the awards you have received during your career as a real estate agent, we will display these on your profile. You may also receive AgentIQ awards from time to time, which will also be displayed on your profile.  You can enter and edit your awards here:
If you need any assistance or have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact us:
You can find your leads on your leads dashboard located here:

We will also send you an email notification once a lead passes our qualification checks.


To ensure you gain good results from your AgentIQ membership please complete the following:

  • Add reviews. You can upload reviews and testimonials that you have collected previously, or ask your previous clients to submit a review directly to AgentIQ. We verify all reviews. Genuine verified reviews improve your ranking and increase the likelihood you will be selected for presentation to a vendor.

  • Update your sales records. You will receive a greater number of leads in areas where you have a strong track record -  so it's important to maintain your sales records so we know where you have experience.

  • Complete your profile. Add a bio and awards to personalise your profile on AgentIQ.

  • Upgrade to Premium.  Consider upgrading to a premium membership for a greater volume of leads.

Premium membership offers two primary benefits:

  • Greater volume of leads. We increase our ad spend in your area to attract a greater volume of vendors through the platform.

  • Greater visibility of vendor activity. Get a full view of who is actively researching agents in your area, preparing to sell and / or viewed your profile.

You can view the Premium membership options here:
Around two thirds of our vendor clients find AgentIQ via Google and partner websites when they are in the early stages of preparing to sell or researching real estate agents. The remaining third of our vendor clients are referred by one of our previous customers.

Our vendors are typically looking for assistance in identifying a top performing real estate agent in their area or looking for advice on how to best prepare their property for sale.
There are two cost components: a success fee and the optional premium membership subscription fee.

The success fee covers your use of the AgentIQ platform and is payable when and only if you successfully sell a property for an AgentIQ prospect.

Premium membership is optional - the premium subscription fees are used to cover the advertising costs incurred in attracting a greater volume of vendors through to your profile on AgentIQ.

You can view the premium membership options here:

If you are a registered member of AgentIQ, you can view your existing membership agreement here:

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